Louga, Senegal
MCI worked with local officials to help Louga finalize its strategy for achieving the Millennium Development Goals by the universally embraced target date of 2015. Needs assessments were completed (in French and English) in the arenas of gender, public health and education, with a water/sanitation needs assessment produced in 2013, in time for a stakeholders’ workshop MCI organized to help infuse the city’s development strategy with MDG-based planning principles. Social sector activities focused on the donation and facilitation by the American non-profit Physicians for Peace of medical equipment, supplies and medicines; training in safe childbirth and neonatal health; and training at a Louga middle school by another American NGO, CyberSmart! Africa, in the classroom uses of smart boards, smart pens and other innovative educational tools. In the investment arena, MCI’s efforts focused on introducing some of Louga’s many talented artisans and small-scale entrepreneurs to western firms, and private sector development.
All related research publications on Louga can be found at: Louga Research