Kisumu Population Data

Kisumu, Kenya

The 2009 Census results show that the total population was 390,164 people. Women made up 50.1 percent of Kisumu’s population and men represented 49.9 percent. 64 percent of the total population was under the age of 25. A notable characteristic of Kisumu’s population is a large number of male and female children under five years old.Children under the age of 5 made up 16 percent of the population. 36 percent of the population was children of schooling age, which in Kisumu are children between the ages of 3 and 17. Women of reproductive age comprised 51 percent of the female population. 58 percent of the total population was in the labor force. The elderly population made up 3 percent of the population.

Kisumu Demo Analysis

The age pyramids show that proportion of youth between the ages of 10 and 19 is also quite high.  The top of the pyramid indicates the impact of mortality on those older than 44 years old.  In 2009, the number of older adults is visibly less than it was during the 1999 census.

Kisumu Population Pyramids



The graph below shows the projected populations according to low, medium, and high growth rate scenarios. It is expected that by 2015, assuming a medium growth rate of 2.8 percent, the population will be 461,539 people.

Kisumu Population Growth Scenarios