Kumasi Population Data

Kumasi, Ghana

The 2010 Census results show that the total population was 1,722,806 people. Women made up 52.2 percent of Kumasi’s population and men represented 47.8 percent. 56 percent of the total population was under the age of 25. Children under the age of 5 made up 12 percent of the population. 32 percent of the population was children of schooling age, which in Kumasi are children between the ages of 3 and 17. Women of reproductive age comprised 53 percent of the female population. 63 percent of the total population was in the labor force. The elderly population made up 5 percent of the population.

Kumasi Demo Analysis

The city’s age pyramid is indicative of a young and growing population.  The highest proportion of the population lies in the 0-4 (12%) and 5-9 (12.4%) age cohorts.   The large number of dependent young people places a heavy economic burden on the working-age population.

Kumasi Pop Pyramids

The graph below shows the projected populations according to low, medium, and high growth rate scenarios. It is expected that by 2015, assuming a medium growth rate of 4.9 percent, the population will be 2,201,410 people.

Kumasi Population Growth Scenarios
